


How to Identify Silicone Grease

Identifying a lubricant in its package is easy. Figuring out what it is when you see it at work in a motor or a bearing proves more challenging. Silicone grease tends to look pale and translucent. It lubricates joints in cars, and often appears in other mechanical applications. It also makes a fine plumbing sealant, occurring around rubber washers and O-rings. Often, silicone grease appears between two distinct types of metal. As a dielectric grease, it does not conduct electricity and may occur as an insulator, for example, around spark plugs. Use these clues to identify silicone grease.


Difficulty: Easy



Check for labels that indicate the grease contained in a tube or application. If "silicone grease" appears on that label, you need no other information. Also look for other names that indicate silicone grease, such as "silicone oil with silica," or "polydimethylsiloxane (a common silicone oil) thickened with fumed silica."


Consider the properties of the grease. Silicone grease is viscous, usually translucent, and usually a clear, white or pale gray color.


Consider the surroundings in which the grease appears. If the grease is lubricating or protecting rubber parts--especially O-rings and latex parts--then it is likely to be silicone grease. In automobiles, silicone grease tends to appear around the front steering joints, and around the spark plugs and some hoses. Silicone grease also appears as a lubricant, insulator and preservative in many plumbing and electrical applications, where parts are under pressure, subject to temperature differences, water or electrical shock. In any of these situations, the substance is likely to be silicone grease.

Tips & Warnings

Whenever possible, take notes on as many details of the substance as possible, so that you can compare them with the insights of a professional or expert who may be able to identify it based on that information.


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